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Wow!!!!!  Loving FINALS so far❤ The food is bomb


For the winter break my family from Texas is going to come and visit us. Then all us is going to Modesto. We have more family and we are going to celebrate Christmas there. I just cant wait for my family to come and get out of town. Obviously cant wait for the food. Then once we leave from Modesto we are going to Las Vegas. We have family too in Las Vegas and we are going to celebrate New Years. I am SO EXCITED CANT WAIT!!! MY BIG QUESTION  Why do some people dont think God exist? My Post that I did about this is NOVEMBER 28, 2018


     In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury talks about Montag being a dynamic character. A dynamic character is someone that changes from beginning to end of the story. Three ways that proves Montag changing is when he was happy burning a house with books, Montag meeting Clarisse, and Montag seeing the lady that died with her books. In the story Montag is a man that goes to work and burns books down. Not only that, but he is also a depressing man since he has so many problems. All this changes when Montag meets a girl named Clarisse.       Tje characters evolution can reflect on the theme because it's about censorship. Theme is the central message of the book. Montag proves how books should not be burned. In the story shows how in that time of society books are not real, but burned. Throughout the story it shows how that changes. Tone can also reflect toward the character because it's the authors attitude towards that audience, character, or situation. How the character ex

What's Love Got To Do With It?

In class today Dr. Preston was talking about If restuarant food is better than homemade food. In my class students said that home food is better. The other question is what makes homemade food better than restaurants? So this is the part that he answered to us.  Have you ever heard that "LOVE IS THE SECRET RECIPE". Well many people from home care on what they do for their family so, obviously they are going to do it with love. In the restaurant they just do food because of money. Now I am not saying that the restaurant food is not good is that food from home tastes better. I hope you understand what I mean. That's what I think LOVE has to do with it.

Calling Out My Shoot

Tomorrow we will have a final which is the essay. I am positive because I know what I am going to write about. I am positive that I am going to do good. I am going to take the tips that Dr. Preston told us such as sleeping early and don't eat bad stuff. I want to wish you all good luck.


Allusion -  reference to something the author thinks we should know Protagonist - is  HERO working Antagonist - character who works against protagonist evil Static character - character stays the same from beginnng to end Dynamic character - character changes from beginning to end Plot - sequence of events on a story Exposition - provides background for the story explains Setting - where and when sitting takes place Inciting incident - kicks off the rising action Rising action - is the plot that increases attention Climax - is the plot where it receives max attention Falling Action - is part of the plot where questions are answered Resoulution/ Dénouement - is the plot where everything is explained Theme - is the central message Tone - authors attitude toward the audience, characters, or the subject Mood - way a reader feels Foreshadowing - when author gets clues what might happen on the story Flashback - the author disrupt the timeline to go back D

Quote from F451 🙂☹

"We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy". Pg. 80 In this quote I was confused at first. Then I understood when Medina helped ke understand. So their are things that make us happy right now, but still we want more and we are not satisfied on what we have now. That's how Montag is and feels.

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Montag and Faber planned something out. Now that Montag is reading a book and needs help to understand the book. Since Montag had not read books for a long time he is not an influential reader. Faber is a professor which is going to help Montag understand the book. Montag also wants to get the copies of the books so that he can burn the original books so that everyone thinks that he burned the book. Where do you see things going? What I see things going is that Montag is going to have all the copies of the books and burn the original book so that everyone thinks that the books are burned, but they are not.

Montag visits Faber

Why does Montag go to visit Faber? What do they plan to do? Montag goes to a professor which his name is Fabor. Now since Montag starts reading the book he does not understand and he wants to understand what's going on. Montag is asking the professor a favor to help Montag understand the book. So that's what they are going to do the professor is going to help Montag understand the book.

Is It Just About the JOB!

What I think on what Montag does as a firefighter is that he does not know what to do. He just does what the othe people do. I would honestly feel bad hurting others because your taking something that they love. Some people do have values in their work, but other just care about the paycheck. For Montag I think they are non of the above because he is working as a fireman because his family did it so, he feels like he should just do what his family does. If you work obviously you get a paycheck, but I dont think he cares because money does not make you happy. In real life it relates to Montag because there some people that value it and some that just want money. In my opinion it is better to get a job that you will work in your whole entire life so that you are happy on what you do.

My Semester Goal

What is your semester goal? I think everyone has goals in this world. It does not matter if you want a job or if your goal is to pass your classes it's still a goal. Now, my goal for this semester is to pass all my classes with A+. Now you might go to my aries and you might tell me dude you have good grades. I have good grades yeah A's or B's, but I know I could do better than that. I like to challenge myself I always do my work, but I usually fail the test. I want to pass all my finals this one of my goals too.

F451 Questions

In the story Fahrenheit 451 in part one its titled "The Hearth and the Salamander". The author uses these title because in mythology salamanders represent fire which is capable of starting and putting fires. This can relate to Montag because since he is a firefighter he starts fired by burning books. That's what I think the author chose that title for part one.  " It was a pleasure to burn. It was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed" in this quote the assumption that the reader could make is that the firemen don't like books. They burn books because they think that books are not useful. The author chose to characterize a water hose with a great python because since the water hose shots to put down fires. The great python just shoots venom. They both relate because they both do something when they shoot. It is a negative thing that they are doing because they just start fires. At first I was confused I did not know what F451

Staying Power

What stays in your memory is when things are important like in the story F451 this is what I remember. What stays with me after I read is when Clarisse was talk to Montage about how things back then were different. She would always bring his uncle up to the convention because he is the one that did not use technology and would read books and do the "weird stuff". Montag couldn't believe how life was back then. Once Clarisse left Montage went to the fire department and he noticed how each of them didn't like books and they were all different.

Is technology taking over us⁉️

Technology has been a big thing right now. Just imagine in 2 years or even next year. Books? No one will know what is a book. Books are not going to exist. When Dr. Preston was talking about this in class I started imagining how our lifes would be. Technology is going to take control of us. In some movies you can see how technology works. Like in Wall-e I know it's a disney movie, but if you focus people are jut in chairs and there are just technology that is taking over. Another movie is Astro boy that is an old movie, but it also uses technology which is robots. Robots are the ones that do stuff for the humans so that they dont have to do it. I think that people already know or what we have been reading from the book of Fahrenheit 451 that there is going to be more technology than books. I could already imagine what our future life is going to be like. Can you imagine how technology is going to be used in the future?

My Memory of Reading

What I have able to remember from the book Fahrenheit 451 is about the characters and what is going on with each of them. Montag is a guy that is a firefighter that makes fire by burning books because the firefighters dont like books. He is also a depressed man. Milli is Montag's wife, but they dont talk to each other at all she is also addicted to tv. Clarisse is a girl that is happy and does not use technology. She also makes Montag to think differently.

My BIG Question/November

Why do some people think that God does not exist? Now, you may be asking me why do I ask this? Well let me tell you. I am christain, but I am not here to offend no body. Everyone has their own religion or their beliefs. I was raised by going to church and my parents thought me the good and the bad. When I was little I obviously did not take this seriously. Since I went to kinder I started knowing more about God. Since first grade I was told at school that we are not allowed to talk about religion. I always thought why? I mean I was sent here in this world for a purpose why not share the word of God? My teacher had to explain to me that not everyone beliefs in God. I was upset that not everyone beliefs in God like I do. I started to grow and still wonder why do people think God does not exist? I mean he created the earth and more. He also created us that's why we are here. If he had not created anything then we wouldn't be here or the morning and night. He is the one that deci

An AMAZING Thanksgiving 🔥🔥🦃🦃😱😱

So it was an normal cool Thanksgiving party. We were eating and dancing, but all of a sudden at 9:20pm all you could see was flames from the oven. All you could see was smoke inside the house. We all ran outside the house and my parents were trying to take down the smoke of the house. Then I remember that Mr. Moon (my fish) was inside. So, you know what I did I ran back inside to get the fish. You might think is dumb, but we all love Mr. Moon he is part of the family. Once everything was settle we went back to the party. 😂🔥🦃 🦃HAPPY THANKSGIVING 🦃 We hella ate a lot. 😂

21-31 Questions

21. The type of activities that are practiced by the young people of the society are using technology. Since the books started being unpopular they stoped reading so what they used more was technology. This effects the culture because now people are going to be depending in the technology. They are not going to be able to use their brain because they are going to want technology to do everything for them. 22. What happens to the people the firemen visit as they perform their work is that they have to burn books since there way of thinking books are not important. The people got tired of reading books so, they don't care what they do with the books. 23. What is ironic about this text is that the firefighters are supposed to burn books since they are not important. 24. The women's intention of burning her home is to die with the books that she loved. She thinks that those books have something special. If she lives after her books were burned she would feel like she was betr

F451 and ME

3 connections that I can connect to my life with the story is bieng happy, being depressed, and technology. Now you might be asking how do these things effect my life? Well that's what I'm going to explain to you right now. We all need to know how to live happy in our lives. I understand how people might fall into depression. I have lived in those two feelings. Last but not least technology. I am really impressed by the life of 2018. We use so much technology now in these days.      Being happy is my thing. I like to laugh and to be happy. Usually I laugh for anything. My laugh is really loud and weird. With my laugh I make others laugh too. In the story Clarisse is a happy person and has a good relationship with her family. I can realate to her with that. Living happy is something beautiful because your not always going to be alive and you just enjoy the days that you are able to have.      Depression is a word that most teens have their days. I fell into depression when I w

The Right to Read

Dear to everyone,      Do you really want to outlaw the reading? You don't know how reading helps many people to better their english. English develops your mind to learn more words and to be an influential reader. I dont reccomend you to take reading away from people. Many people might like reading and there is some that dont. What did books do to you so that they wouldn't be read. As a president you should make good desicions and think before doing something. Like taking books away from people sorry to tell you this, but it dumb. There are many pros out there that want to better their english or they just like books and you are going to take that away from them. What about if they took something away from you that can benefit you? You wouldn't want to so I would think carefully before doing something. Hope you can understand and well just think how books benefit us.                                                   Sincerely,                                          

F451 Summary part 1

     In part 1 of the book we learn so much. We learned who are our character's which is Montag, Clarisse, and Millie. Now, Montage is a man that is a firefighter. Now, Clarisse is a girl that is happy and that she has a good relationship with her family. Millie is the wife of Montag.  Now you might be asking what's up with Fahrenheit 451? What that means is that 451 is the temperture where books or pages burn at.      Montag is a guy that is a firefighter. In the story it describes how he is. He is a man that is depressed and he has to show a fake smile to fake that he is happy. Now for a firefighter usually they put down fires well he is not that type. He makes fire by burning books and homes that have books. He does not think that reading is important so, that's why he burns them. He usually uses technology. In his house it describes how dark it is and it is like a tomb. Basically it is not a pleasant place to be at. Now, that he knows Clarisse he does not know how to

20 Questions

1. The chapter 1 title "One The Hearth and the Salamander" connects with Montage. The first chapter explains what the home life of Montage is which is depression. The job of Montage is a firefighter which that's why on the title it uses the word salamander. 2. The quote "It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, To see things blackened and changed" mostly expresses how Montage is depressed. 3. He characterized a water hose with a great python because it shows how Montage has a sad life. So it is negative.  4. What 451 symbolizes a paper burns at that temperture. 5.  How in the book describes Clarisse McCellan is that she is always happy and Montage fakes his happiness. 6. "Clarisse" and "Guy" are significant because Montage puts on books on fire and the girl likes to read books. 7. Clarisse asks him that if "he is happy?" Since Montage is not happy his reaction was just laughing. 8. Thre

My 16th B-DAY🎈🎈 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎈🎈

MY 16TH BIRTHDAY Today was an amazing day. I thank God for my life because without him I wouldn't be who I am now. I also thank him for all the things that he had given to me such as family and friends and last but not least my life. He does everything for a purpose which make me think that I am important I'm here in this world for a reason. I just thank him so much and to all my family because they had been there for me when I need them as well as my friends. Today was something special because I turn 16 life goes by so fast. Now that I reflect back when I was a little girl I just cant believe how fast I have grown and how I changed. I am really blessed and I thank God for everything. 🎊🎉HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY TO ME🎉🎊 ME, MYSELF, and I Thanks to all my friends for all the gifts ❤ WOW Now I'm turning 16  when I was in kinder 😊 WOW how much have I grown. 🙂 MY FAMILY  I thank you all for all if you love and support that you guys give me every s


When is it wrong to break the law? When is it right? To be honest I never thought about this before. Now that I have the question I have to think about it. Well on what I think when you are breaking the law is when you actually have that feeling that you are doing something wrong. If you have a weird feeling that you should not do something then you should know that you are doing something that you shouldn't be doing. When it is right to break the law well you can feel that you are not doing something bad. You might have a good cause of breaking the rule and not just because you want to. So it kinda makes sense in when you should not break the law or when you should.


"Friendship turns into frenemy😡🤜💔" One day after school I was at home. Everything was going good until I got a text message. I looked down at my phone and the message said, "Why the f*** are you talking s*** about me". At first I was so confused of what was going on. I did not know what was going on so, I asked, "what do you mean". The girl through the other side of the phone said, "You know what I mean a girl told me that you were talking about me I trusted you by the things that I told you". All of a sudden I got mad and texted back "I had not talked stuff about you. Why do you trust other people and why don't you trust your best friend. All the things that you told me I have kept them deep deep down". I had to tell the girl through the other side of the screen that one of the girl's that she was talking to was the one talking s*** about her. When I texted her about that she was so confused, she was texting me that &q


"The Pedestrian" was a interesting story. The story had so many tones it had suspense, mysterious, and it was just scary. I was really into the story on how the author made a story on just a person walking. He gave so many details that makes you imagine the things. That's what I think about "The Pedestrian".

My Author My HERO

VIRGINIA WOOLF One author that is also hero is Virginia Wolf. She is a woman that fought for independence. She was a writer of essays, literaly history, women's writing, and the politics of power. She wrote so many things that people liked. 

Where Dreams Come True! PART 2

DISNEYLAND!😁 Today was the last day of going to disneyland. Today we were able to go to every ride. It was so tiring we had to walk so much it was really fun though. Today I took some new pictures that I want to share with you. My favorite ride of today was the Indiana Jones. The worst one was the Haunted Mansion. In the ride we got stuck we had to waited for 30 minutes in line just to get stuck in that ride. I was really frustrated when the game got stuck. Inside the ride we had to wait about 20 minutes just sitting down and the song of the ride was getting me annoyed. I was so mad because I wasted my time in that ride so I could get stuck in that ride. Ohh well the rest of my day was so fun.For breakfast we ate some yogurt and waffles it was alright it's the hotel food. For lunch we ate pizza in pizza planet. It was so good the pizza tastes different than Costco, little cesar, and etc. . Im not going to forget this day and yesterday's day either. I keep creating memories wh

Where Dreams Come True!

DISNEYLAND!  Today I did not go to school because I had a family trip DISNEYLAND! I had so much fun I'm litterally here at the hotel and it's 1:30am and I'm typing this. I really want to share with you guys my experience. I literaly feel dead right now especially my feet. I took some pictures that I want to share with you guys and for you to know my family better. Today was the first day of Disney tomorrow will be the second day which I am so excited. For breakfast I ate a homemade torta it was the best. For sure I can tell you it was better than McDonald's ( dont get offended if you like McDonald's). Then we started going to rides obviously we did not finish all the rides today, but we still have time for tomorrow. Disney is really fun and tiring. So, I wanted to share pictures of my day.

In Thoreau's Words

THOREAU'S WORDS Society QUOTE: Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. MEANING: Trust is something more important. Love, money, or fame does not make you a trustful person. Society QUOTE: It's not what you look that matters, it's what you see MEANING: looks dont matter on a person until you meet them and you know them how they are from the inside. Society QUOTE:All good things are wild, and free MEANING: Following dreams as a good thing makes you free and wild because none can stop you.

What's Next For Me

What I learned so far is on understanding self- reliance essay. At first when I read it I did not understand anything until Dr. Preston explained vocabulary and quotes. I learned so much in this essay/ poem. I understood that no one else can make you decisions but you. I also had tried to put more effort into my blog.

Emerson Essay

     In Emerson essay it talked about so many things about life. I understood what Emerson meant in his essay. Many people can say many things about you, but you are the one that chooses who you wanna be. Emerson's title is "On-Self Reliance" is pretty explanatory it talks about you. You are the one who makes the decisions of who you wanna be.      The main idea of Emerson's tone, diction, and syntax is supported by "Most men gamble with her, and gain all, and lose all, as her wheel rolls." In that quote it means that the desicions that you make in your life depends on you and that the desicions don't control you.      In the equation that I used and in general the essay helped me that I am the only one who can control my life. In my life i was always a girl that wouldn't be me because I would always care what people think about me. This year I dont care what people think about me I just do what I want to do. I dont regret on thinks that I do. I a

What I learned about self-reliance today

What I learned today was new vocabulary and what some passages meant. In the top of the story there is like a poem that says, " Cast the bantling on the rocks, Suckle him with the she-wolf's teat; Wintered with the hawk and fox, Power and speed be hands and feet." What that meant is that you take all the power of nature basically to use power in nature on you. For vocabulary I learned what all these mean. Brutes- someone strong but not smart. Nonchalance- Not caring (meaning it). Enclant- spirit. Formidable-intimid. Philanthropist- wealthy.  THATS WHAT O LEARNED IN CLASS TODAY 👍📚🙂

Self-reliance #4

In what I learned or understood on what I read today is that we have to do the right thing and pray to god. God is the person that can help us. We also have to obey God. Listening to God will make us a better person. That's what I understood.

Self-reliance #3

In what I read today I understood that conversation and confedence is important. In what you say is important because your thinking is important. Confedence is something that makes you feel safe. You should always have confedence on what you do because your unique and you are not the same as others. That's what I understood what I read today.

Self reliance #2

Today's Emerson's reading Today I had to read since the beginning to understand the story. While I read I understood that religion,attitude, and misunderstandings effect you. It talks so much about people from the bible and God. For attitude it talks how people have there own thing. Some have good or bad attitude. Everyone has their own choice of being of who they want to be. We are not the only one that we are misunderstood. God or other famous people such as Galileo or Bewton were misunderstood. They had their beliefs and people did not believe on them. That's how we sometimes feel as well. That's what I understood about todays breading.

self- reliance #1

ON SELF-RELIANCE In what Dr. Preston read today In class on what I learned is that you are the one that chooses who to be or what to do. You should know what is best for you.  You should be happy on what you do not what others think. Have the comfort to do you. An example of this is that in the story it shows how moses did all the crazy things, but did not care what people thought of him. That's something that we should do because that's also a way of learning for us if we miss up we know that we should not do that the next time. There is things that we do that have a reason. That's what I think or understood of today's reading.


Some high school students need to be told what to do all the time and reminded or threatened when they dont get work done. Independent work could be challenging, but I like it because you can test yourself on how far you can go. Me in my personal experience even though it's hard YOU CAN DO IT. The only thing you have to do is care about doing the work. Just like playing any game even though it's hard you are still going to try to pass the level and it's the same thing as school. You just have to care about the things you do at school. Why have someone bugging you when you know what you have to do? It's better to do things independently because you know what you have to do and once you are older no one is going to tell you what to do. It's better to get prepared at school so that you know what to do when you are older. There is some people like teachers that bug you because they care about you and because they dont want you to fell, but it's not their work to b

The art of hosting good conversations online

Do you have good conversations online? Some points that I think they are important is A share commitment to work together toward better communication, better conversations. If this is achieved, nothing else is needed.  Provide a way for a people to get to know each other beyond their usual mistakes  Authentic conversations from the head, heart, and gut Thats some info a or 3 bullets that I think are important. 

Same words different people

Medina vocab and my vocab are basically the same thing. My vocab have pictures to understand more Medina just has the diffenition. I usually learn with pictures and medina does not. Even though we have different ways of understanding something we do understand the meanings of the vocabulary.

This is what happened tonight

NO PROBLEMS ONLY SOLUTIONS  So, my sister that goes in first grade did her writing homework. She erased so much that her paper ripped. I did not looked at it until my dad and my mom had to check the homework. My parents were laughing. It was so funny how a first grader tried to find a solution to fix her homework. She told us what happen, but still we were laughing. It's a good thing to find solutions to everything. Just like my dad says," NO PROBLEMS ONLY SOLUTIONS". 😂👍 CAPTION THIS IN THE COMMENTS.

Vocabulary #1

VOCABULARY THAT WE NEED! Meme-  is a humorous image, video,piece, of text, etc., that is copied by internet users. Virus- a piece of code that is capable of coping itself and typically has a detrimental effect such as corrupting the system or destroying the data Viral- an image, video, advertisement, etc., that circulates rapidly around the world Blog- add new material  to or regularly update it blog Wiki- a website that allows people to edit information  URL- the address to a web site page Website- a location connected to the internet that maintains one or more pages on the world wide web www- is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by uniform resource locators Internet- a global computer that allows us to interconnect networks using standardized communication protocols 2.0-  used to denote a superior or advanced version of an original concept, product, service, ect. Open source- original source code made freely

Investing in me

Did you find a way to get money? In my personal thinking I think I would start getting money by a fundraiser. I would make a creative box so that people can donate money for college. I would explain to people on why I'm I raising money for. I dont what people to think that I just want money to spend it on whatever comes up in my mind. I want people to know that their money that they are investing in me has a purpose. That's how I would get money for college.

Literature Analysis #2

Graciela's Dream by Max Benavídez & Katherine Del Monte 1. The plot of the story is mostly about a girl wanting to go to college. 2. So the story is about a girl that learns what college is and that she wants to go. The family didn't really agree on her thoughts because they dont really have the money to pay for the college. In some way she wants to follow her dream to make it to college. 3. How I imagine the authors life style is probably busy. Is a students that goes to goes to school so, probably she sleeps early and wakes up early. She eats breakfast maybe cereal. She goes to school and stressed about getting good grades. Not really sure io f she does exercise. I dont think she drinks any caffeine or energy drinks. I think that she does all this things. 4. Five literally techniques that helped me understand the story are tones, fonts, punctuation, characters, and the way of the the personal character. This all go together in this story because you could reall

Letter to a mentor draft 1

Dear feminist activist, I have this big question to ask you why do guys expect girls to do the chores? Today in the world women are usually asking why do women expect us to do all the housecleaning? Most of the latinas have to do the households because we were raised like that. Mostly our mom's or grandma's tell us or teach us on how things we need to do when we grow up. I dont think girls are the only ones boys as well. Hispanic family usually the father's or grandpas take the son to teach him how to work and how you have to bring the money to the house and the girls stay at home and have to do the food and the chores. I honestly thought that I was the only one that experience this, but I guess not. Guys are the ones that work hard and girls dont. Guys dont really know women. Women also have things to do this days women work, have kids to deal with, and even chores. Everyone has things to do, but both should help at the house. I really dont know why girls have to do mo

Compare and contrast ESSAY

In the story of "Young Goodman Brown" we know that he was dreaming. In the poem "A Dream Within a Dream" talks about things that they do or see everything is a dream. In both of them the stories have some similarities and some differences. As we all know that in stories and poems are always going to have also different author tone. Everything had a difference and some similarities. It's so interesting how everything is so detailed from the story and the poem. Such as the characters in the story as well as the tone or even how the words are written. Everything has a thing to their own. In the story of "Young Goodman Brown" by Hawthrone's talks about how Brown experienced something really weird in his dream. In his dream you can understand what happened in the forest. Everything was so detailed. The things that are the same to the poem is that it also talks about a dream. In the story of Young Goodman Brown explains how Brown saw a man in the wood

A dream within a dream response

The poem is basically talking about how everything we see is in a dream. What ever we experience is in a dream. So, everything we do or see is a dream.

Young Goodman Brown Response

My response to this story is that I was surprised that women would poison their husbands at night. Not only that, but women also killed their babies and bury them in the backyard. I did not know that until Dr. Preston told us while reading the story. That is something new that I learned.

Young Goodman Brown (what I learned today)

What did you learn from the story today? I read the story on Sunday, but did not get much of the information. I thank Dr. Preston for reading it to the whole class. I knew that Brown went to the woods and saw an old man with a cane with a snake figure. I also knew that the devil was telling Brown to take more steps into the woods. What I really forgot was that Brown lost his faith. Also, that the devil was taking him to a witch meeting. Young Goodman Brown was caught easy. I also learned a new words throughout the story that I read and did not know what they mean even though I had some vocab posted in my blog. 

Here's what I learn today

What did you learn today? What I learned today is about how much I done in my blog. I am very proud of my blog even though I'm still learning on how to use it. As well as my journal. I didn't really thing my journal was good until I had the conference with Dr. Preston and told me that he liked reading my journal. I actually felt so good when he said that. It even encouraged me to do more on my journal. I learned that we should be confident in our work that we do.  I thank that my teacher said that to me.

Young Goodman Brown argument

Do you think it was a dream or not? Every thing that Young Goodman Brown witnessed was all a dream. Young Goodman Brown In the beginning sounded that it was actually in real life. He did go to the forest and all that, but in the ending the story it even says it's a dream. " Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of a  witch meeting? Be it so, if you will. But alas! It was a dream of evil omen for Young Goodman Brown." That can proof that he had a dream. Another proof is that once he wakes up and goes through all the things he is already old and his wife is old too and he can even see his children and he even saw his grand children. He also dies at the very end as well. So that proofs that everything was a dream and not in a real life experience. It was a dream.

Young Goodman Brown Q & A

1. I think that Hawthorne's purpose for writing a story was to make us think on how religion works and how losing faith can be easy. 2. After reading the story I do agree that Brown's wife is named Faith because even though faith has another meaning it also says that Faith is Brown's wife. I think that her name fits to her personality. I think that because she is a nice person and she even told Brown not to leave and I think that she had a reason for her to say that. Faith does have true faith to her because she was helping Brown because she knew something could happen. 3. I think the pink ribbons signify the wife. Everytime the wife is mentioned the pink ribbons appear as well, but I think it also means your faith or hope. 4. Everhthing that Brown witness was only a dream. Not only a dream but an evil dream. In the story it says, " Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed of a witch meeting?  Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a drea

Literature Analysis: A Work in Process

My Secret Guide To Paris by Lisa Schroeder 1. There is a girl that goes to Paris and her dream came true. 2. The theme of the story is a girl going to Paris and doing a treasure hunt that her grandma did for her to know more about Paris. 3. The authors morning routine is probably busy. She probably sleeps late and wakes up early since she has things to do. I think that the author drinks coffee. I dont think she gets drunk and gets hungover. She estas some good breakfast such as eggs, bacon, and some waffles. In the book it talks about Paris and food is something also special about Paris. Food is something about culture. That's why I think that she does all that because the character does so much things related to the author. 4. 5 literally techniques from the book are diction, epigraph, metaphor, foreshadowing,  and imagery. They all connect to the book because each thing has their meaning and they all make sense on how the author uses them in the book. Next Level 1. Wh

Today I was thinking/ doing

Today in class we wrote our journals something usual. I was laughing in class so much that it caused me to snore. I did the things that I had to do in class, but we were just having fun too. All you could listen in class was laughter and people talking. It's so interesting how people gather up in groups and talk. Honestly I dont even pay attention to other conversations because I'm busy with mine. Medina and I like to talk and laugh. We are always in our conversation. We were also taking pictures with the snapchat filters in class. That's basically what we did in class. Wanted to share the pics that we took in class and with the girl that I always laugh with😂📸