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Showing posts from March, 2019

Chapter 8 Quiz

1. Benard asked John to explain his life. He wanted to know how John was born and how his life is. 2. Linda sleeps with married men because she is used to doing that since she also did that in Utopia. 3. The popé brings Mescal to Lind. Mescal is sort of  a type of tequila. 4. John does not like the popé because he sleeps with his mom. How he reacts is that he just gets out of the house and gets angry with his mom. 5. The Shakespeare allusions is that he gives quotes in the story. John gets a book from the popé that is about Shakespeare. John uses the quote from Shakespeare to describe how there actually good people in this world that have come help the people in need and Benard is just using John to embarrass the director. 6. John feels alone because no one likes him in the reservation. He wanted to marry this girl that he really liked and he got denied. 7. John wanted to get crucified because he wants to get attention and feel honored from his community. 8. Benard's purpose

BQ thoughts 🤔

Back to business my question was "Why do people some people think God does not exist". I have thought about it sometimes just in my regular life. From there I don't really do much about my big questions

My Online Me

When I searched up myself I already knew many people were going to pop out. I'm guessing that more than 2 million have Maria as a name. I'm not sure about my last name though which is Magaña. When I searched up the name that I usually use is a soccer player. Which is not me because I don't like soccer. DON'T GET OFFENDED IF YOU LIKE SOCCER OK? Ok. I never knew there was a soccer player named Maria Magaña. That's something I learned today which is cool in my opinion. Now when I searched my full name which is Maria Fernanda Magana Flores there waz random people. What I mean is that there is no famous people at all. I thought I was going to be a character from a novel or something like that, but I'm not. Oh well that's cool I guess. I never thought I would search myself up, but that was a fun experience.

Brave New World Ch.8 Notes

Linda's son is telling his life to Benard. Jhon has a different perspective about life since he has different genetics and was mostly raised in the reservation. He also wanted to marry this girl that he was in loved with, but got denied. He also had to witness his mothers pain in Utopia when two Indian men went to her bed. The mother had to violate them since they did not follow the rules. He preferred to go to the Indian reservation since they have more knowledge about life not like Utopia. Benard can totally relate because he is different from the others as well. Benard wants to also take Linda and Jhon to London not just to take them out of the Indian reservation, but to embarrass the director. What I learned from the book is that the director is the father of Jhon.


I learned so much in class even though it was a short period. The blue letters from Dr. Preston's blog meant something. It was " You can't win if you dont play". Which this can mean if you don't try or do it you won't get your results or your goal. 3 habits that I will start doing is setting my clothes one day before so that it can be easy in the morning and just not waist time. Two is since I am tired of my alarm being to boring just waking me up with some "BEEP" noises I can start my day jamming. Third thing is that Dr. Preston got me thinking that I should set my Alan further from my bed so that I can try the feeling of just not going back to bed and being lazy. That's just me, What about you?


What we were talking in class today is interesting because Mario and Dr. Preston was sharing their ideas or emails and it made me think. How come in this book the author is a racist. He talks about the negros. At one of the chapters they talk about them. I'm still sort of confused on that topic, but I sort of understand.

Reading Me

Imma be honest I do not really read much. I only read when I find something intresting such as mystery books. I also read to my little sisters books before they go to sleep. Sometimes some books are just not for me. Some books can be intresting than other books.

Brave New World Ch.7

Vocabulary precipitous- step seemingly- appears to be truth Cloaks-  typically sleeveless, that hangs loosely from the shoulders grimace-  an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement. hypnopædic-  a sleeping person Summary: Benard and Lenina made the reservation and its dirty. An Indian guide stinks and Lenina notices that Indians have a different community. They dance differently and whip a boy till the blood runs. A man is also nailed to a cross. Lenina is confused because she does not understand the type of community that religion has. A young man takes them to his house to see his mom. Lenina cant handle the smell of the house. When she is there it brings memories to her about huxley world. 

Brave New World Ch.6

In this chapter Lenina and Benard are together. Lenina thinks Benard is weird because he is odd. She says this because Benard wants to be away from the crowd with no noise with her even though they are not making love. He is more of wanting to be free and not enslaved. Henry Foster is a guy that thinks Lenina is a piece of meat. Benard does not like that, but Lenina likes to be looked that way. Benard also tells Lenina all the odd desires that he has. He wants to feel strong and passionate. Benard wants to be an adult to wait for pleasure than right now as an infant. Lenina also wants to go with Benard to America to go for a savage reservation. A savage reservation is an opposite life of the Brave New World. Benard got consequences from the director since he does not live his life as others. That's what I got from ch. 6 in the reading. Ch.6 QUIZ NOTES 1. Stability, community, 2. Alpha, Beta,Delta, Gamma, and Espeillon are 5 characteristics of the book. 3. The God of Brave New

Brave New World Ch. 5

In this chapter on what I understood Lenina and Henry went to dinner and a night club. They were listening and dancing to music. Then Lenina and Herny got high with soma which is a type of drug to relax your mucells. Then they both had sex. Huxley in this chapter he explains that pregnancy is a sin, a crime ,and something disgusting to do in his world. Benard is a person that is single and just thinks everything is his fault.

Brave New World ch. 4

Vocabulary Caste- social level Soma- drug Notes • she was basically there to have sex with them • smart people feel alone and they isolate so that they can understand something they don't understand • Lenina uses the drug called soma to relax the muscles. In the story she says that she cant live without it • Benito loves Lenina, but he is scared to get refused

Brave New World Ch. 3

This chapter goes back and forth on the view about love, sex, and the non existing of family. It talks about how kids play a game which is sex. Then for the adults you sex is just for happiness. In this story marriage is not a thing. They also change partners every time with no reason.

Brave New World ch. 2

VOCABULARY Trousered- An outer garment covering the body from the waist to the ankles with a seperate part for each leg Viscose- rayon fabric or fiber Cherubs-a beautiful or innocent looking child NOTES • If a child is raised with books they would become better readers. Even though they don't know how to read they would like books. • AF means after forward • Kids learned more at home than schools • Director made a T on his stomach and all the students reverently followed suits Questions • Why do people grow with categories? • Why talk about sex in the story when they don't do it?

Brave New World Ch. 1

VOCABULARY • Squats- fat, wide ,short • Bokanovskify- is a fictional process of human cloning • Decanted- gradually pour (liquid, typically wine or solution) from one container into another. • Decanting room-  The embryos are kept in a warm, humid environment under red lights and moved through a conveyor belt for 267 days, until they arrive at the decanting room to be poured out, into the daylight . • Demilohns- A bulbous narrow necked bottle holding 3 to 10 gallons of liquid, typically enclosed ina wicker cover • interminable- endless • sow- plant with seed • Peritoneum- the serous membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen and covering the abdominal organs • Morula- A solid ball of cells resulting from division of a fertilized ovum, and from which a blastula is formed • Saline- A solution with salt water • labellers- ? NOTES • In the 1950's mechenery was used more during that period of time. • Basically humans are things • For in nature it takes 30 ye