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Showing posts from May, 2019


In DONE. I have so many things going on in school. Many teachers think that projects are FUN. As a student I do NOT think projects are fun. I have projects like for every class. Now I have homework with projects going on right now. OMG I'm looking forward to summer. 

Masterpiece presentation

Atheist friend • Cause problems because religion is number one conflict • Why believe in something you cant see • People believe in science more. There is more facts.  Was a christain:  • Parents dont beleive in him • Does not answer to your prayers right away • You cant see God.  Catholic : • Can not give answers right away. Christain: • because people have been hurt • God does not give answers right away • people cant see God physically • dont know who really God is • people might not beleive in God because of tradition • believe more on science

My Best Writing

Right now that I have to choose two journals I looked my process of my writing. In the beginning I did not write as much as I do now. For me it is something really intresting I never thought I was going to improve. Anyways the first journal that I choose was back to the beginning of the school year. That journal was 8/15/18 our first journal. The first time we started write and get out thinking working. I choose this because it talks about how Dr. Preston left outside the classroom without knowing us. I never saw a teacher having so much trust to their new students. I also chose this because I like to see the process of my writing. The second writing journal is 3/1/19. That journal talks about who is important to me? I was only able to choose one. It is explains how I love my family, but God is someone who had helped me the most. That is why I chose from my journal. journals.


The learning modalities are most effective for my master piece for my topic is auditory. Now my topic is more of an open opinions. Many people well have different opinions and I understand that. I just want to see or listen to all the different opinions of the class. That would be my learning modalities. 

Brave New World Essay

     In the book of Brave New World it was mostly about how people would be made for certain things and people couldn't do what they want. They all had to follow the rules of the leader because if you didn't you would get consequences. This life is so different from the actual human world. I say this because they are not allowed to give birth to kids. The only way they create babies are in tubes and other tools from the lab.  The main characters are Benard, John, Lenina, Linda, and the leader that runs the lab. One of the characters that stand out the most of being outward, but inward is John.    John is mostly the main character of Brave New World. John is a white man that is son of the director. He was also raised on the reservation which is different from the Utopia world. He is the savage and the most tragic hero. He was the only character that was born from his mom's stomach. John is a person who had to deal with a lot of problems. John is someone who is really notice

A Brave New End Of The World

Two big ideas that I got by reading the ending of the Brave New World which is in chapter 18 is to not let other peoples opinions get to you as well as to not let any of your fantasy dreams or ideas overcome you. I say this because as you can see in the last chapter John gets so hurt. He couldn't deal with anything else, but to kill himself.

The End Of A Brave New World

In chapter 18 once Helmholtz and Benard are exiled, John runs off to be alone. John goes to this lighthouse. Once John goes there he whips himself. He just wants to stop thinking of Lenia the way he does that is by whipping himself. That is the only way he could not thinking of her is by that way. Then once he does that there is this Photographer that thought it was funny to put it in a movie. John just wanted to be alone l, but people took him as a joke. When Lenina went up to him he was so mad that he hit her. People also saw that and they started to do the same as them because they thought it was funny. John then feels bad and he is just tired of his life and how they need to live. He decides to kill himself.