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Showing posts from December, 2018


Wow!!!!!  Loving FINALS so far❤ The food is bomb


For the winter break my family from Texas is going to come and visit us. Then all us is going to Modesto. We have more family and we are going to celebrate Christmas there. I just cant wait for my family to come and get out of town. Obviously cant wait for the food. Then once we leave from Modesto we are going to Las Vegas. We have family too in Las Vegas and we are going to celebrate New Years. I am SO EXCITED CANT WAIT!!! MY BIG QUESTION  Why do some people dont think God exist? My Post that I did about this is NOVEMBER 28, 2018


     In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury talks about Montag being a dynamic character. A dynamic character is someone that changes from beginning to end of the story. Three ways that proves Montag changing is when he was happy burning a house with books, Montag meeting Clarisse, and Montag seeing the lady that died with her books. In the story Montag is a man that goes to work and burns books down. Not only that, but he is also a depressing man since he has so many problems. All this changes when Montag meets a girl named Clarisse.       Tje characters evolution can reflect on the theme because it's about censorship. Theme is the central message of the book. Montag proves how books should not be burned. In the story shows how in that time of society books are not real, but burned. Throughout the story it shows how that changes. Tone can also reflect toward the character because it's the authors attitude towards that audience, character, or situation. How the character ex

What's Love Got To Do With It?

In class today Dr. Preston was talking about If restuarant food is better than homemade food. In my class students said that home food is better. The other question is what makes homemade food better than restaurants? So this is the part that he answered to us.  Have you ever heard that "LOVE IS THE SECRET RECIPE". Well many people from home care on what they do for their family so, obviously they are going to do it with love. In the restaurant they just do food because of money. Now I am not saying that the restaurant food is not good is that food from home tastes better. I hope you understand what I mean. That's what I think LOVE has to do with it.

Calling Out My Shoot

Tomorrow we will have a final which is the essay. I am positive because I know what I am going to write about. I am positive that I am going to do good. I am going to take the tips that Dr. Preston told us such as sleeping early and don't eat bad stuff. I want to wish you all good luck.


Allusion -  reference to something the author thinks we should know Protagonist - is  HERO working Antagonist - character who works against protagonist evil Static character - character stays the same from beginnng to end Dynamic character - character changes from beginning to end Plot - sequence of events on a story Exposition - provides background for the story explains Setting - where and when sitting takes place Inciting incident - kicks off the rising action Rising action - is the plot that increases attention Climax - is the plot where it receives max attention Falling Action - is part of the plot where questions are answered Resoulution/ Dénouement - is the plot where everything is explained Theme - is the central message Tone - authors attitude toward the audience, characters, or the subject Mood - way a reader feels Foreshadowing - when author gets clues what might happen on the story Flashback - the author disrupt the timeline to go back D

Quote from F451 🙂☹

"We have everything we need to be happy, but we aren't happy". Pg. 80 In this quote I was confused at first. Then I understood when Medina helped ke understand. So their are things that make us happy right now, but still we want more and we are not satisfied on what we have now. That's how Montag is and feels.

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Montag and Faber planned something out. Now that Montag is reading a book and needs help to understand the book. Since Montag had not read books for a long time he is not an influential reader. Faber is a professor which is going to help Montag understand the book. Montag also wants to get the copies of the books so that he can burn the original books so that everyone thinks that he burned the book. Where do you see things going? What I see things going is that Montag is going to have all the copies of the books and burn the original book so that everyone thinks that the books are burned, but they are not.

Montag visits Faber

Why does Montag go to visit Faber? What do they plan to do? Montag goes to a professor which his name is Fabor. Now since Montag starts reading the book he does not understand and he wants to understand what's going on. Montag is asking the professor a favor to help Montag understand the book. So that's what they are going to do the professor is going to help Montag understand the book.

Is It Just About the JOB!

What I think on what Montag does as a firefighter is that he does not know what to do. He just does what the othe people do. I would honestly feel bad hurting others because your taking something that they love. Some people do have values in their work, but other just care about the paycheck. For Montag I think they are non of the above because he is working as a fireman because his family did it so, he feels like he should just do what his family does. If you work obviously you get a paycheck, but I dont think he cares because money does not make you happy. In real life it relates to Montag because there some people that value it and some that just want money. In my opinion it is better to get a job that you will work in your whole entire life so that you are happy on what you do.

My Semester Goal

What is your semester goal? I think everyone has goals in this world. It does not matter if you want a job or if your goal is to pass your classes it's still a goal. Now, my goal for this semester is to pass all my classes with A+. Now you might go to my aries and you might tell me dude you have good grades. I have good grades yeah A's or B's, but I know I could do better than that. I like to challenge myself I always do my work, but I usually fail the test. I want to pass all my finals this one of my goals too.