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Showing posts from September, 2018

Compare and contrast ESSAY

In the story of "Young Goodman Brown" we know that he was dreaming. In the poem "A Dream Within a Dream" talks about things that they do or see everything is a dream. In both of them the stories have some similarities and some differences. As we all know that in stories and poems are always going to have also different author tone. Everything had a difference and some similarities. It's so interesting how everything is so detailed from the story and the poem. Such as the characters in the story as well as the tone or even how the words are written. Everything has a thing to their own. In the story of "Young Goodman Brown" by Hawthrone's talks about how Brown experienced something really weird in his dream. In his dream you can understand what happened in the forest. Everything was so detailed. The things that are the same to the poem is that it also talks about a dream. In the story of Young Goodman Brown explains how Brown saw a man in the wood

A dream within a dream response

The poem is basically talking about how everything we see is in a dream. What ever we experience is in a dream. So, everything we do or see is a dream.

Young Goodman Brown Response

My response to this story is that I was surprised that women would poison their husbands at night. Not only that, but women also killed their babies and bury them in the backyard. I did not know that until Dr. Preston told us while reading the story. That is something new that I learned.

Young Goodman Brown (what I learned today)

What did you learn from the story today? I read the story on Sunday, but did not get much of the information. I thank Dr. Preston for reading it to the whole class. I knew that Brown went to the woods and saw an old man with a cane with a snake figure. I also knew that the devil was telling Brown to take more steps into the woods. What I really forgot was that Brown lost his faith. Also, that the devil was taking him to a witch meeting. Young Goodman Brown was caught easy. I also learned a new words throughout the story that I read and did not know what they mean even though I had some vocab posted in my blog. 

Here's what I learn today

What did you learn today? What I learned today is about how much I done in my blog. I am very proud of my blog even though I'm still learning on how to use it. As well as my journal. I didn't really thing my journal was good until I had the conference with Dr. Preston and told me that he liked reading my journal. I actually felt so good when he said that. It even encouraged me to do more on my journal. I learned that we should be confident in our work that we do.  I thank that my teacher said that to me.

Young Goodman Brown argument

Do you think it was a dream or not? Every thing that Young Goodman Brown witnessed was all a dream. Young Goodman Brown In the beginning sounded that it was actually in real life. He did go to the forest and all that, but in the ending the story it even says it's a dream. " Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed a wild dream of a  witch meeting? Be it so, if you will. But alas! It was a dream of evil omen for Young Goodman Brown." That can proof that he had a dream. Another proof is that once he wakes up and goes through all the things he is already old and his wife is old too and he can even see his children and he even saw his grand children. He also dies at the very end as well. So that proofs that everything was a dream and not in a real life experience. It was a dream.

Young Goodman Brown Q & A

1. I think that Hawthorne's purpose for writing a story was to make us think on how religion works and how losing faith can be easy. 2. After reading the story I do agree that Brown's wife is named Faith because even though faith has another meaning it also says that Faith is Brown's wife. I think that her name fits to her personality. I think that because she is a nice person and she even told Brown not to leave and I think that she had a reason for her to say that. Faith does have true faith to her because she was helping Brown because she knew something could happen. 3. I think the pink ribbons signify the wife. Everytime the wife is mentioned the pink ribbons appear as well, but I think it also means your faith or hope. 4. Everhthing that Brown witness was only a dream. Not only a dream but an evil dream. In the story it says, " Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed of a witch meeting?  Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a drea

Literature Analysis: A Work in Process

My Secret Guide To Paris by Lisa Schroeder 1. There is a girl that goes to Paris and her dream came true. 2. The theme of the story is a girl going to Paris and doing a treasure hunt that her grandma did for her to know more about Paris. 3. The authors morning routine is probably busy. She probably sleeps late and wakes up early since she has things to do. I think that the author drinks coffee. I dont think she gets drunk and gets hungover. She estas some good breakfast such as eggs, bacon, and some waffles. In the book it talks about Paris and food is something also special about Paris. Food is something about culture. That's why I think that she does all that because the character does so much things related to the author. 4. 5 literally techniques from the book are diction, epigraph, metaphor, foreshadowing,  and imagery. They all connect to the book because each thing has their meaning and they all make sense on how the author uses them in the book. Next Level 1. Wh

Today I was thinking/ doing

Today in class we wrote our journals something usual. I was laughing in class so much that it caused me to snore. I did the things that I had to do in class, but we were just having fun too. All you could listen in class was laughter and people talking. It's so interesting how people gather up in groups and talk. Honestly I dont even pay attention to other conversations because I'm busy with mine. Medina and I like to talk and laugh. We are always in our conversation. We were also taking pictures with the snapchat filters in class. That's basically what we did in class. Wanted to share the pics that we took in class and with the girl that I always laugh with😂📸

Insights and vocab of YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN

Faith- is your beliefs and name of the wife Dusk - the darker stage of twilight Pink ribbons - the wife Faith Great black snake - evil creature from the story Indescribable - too unusual, extreme or indefinite to describe Acquaintance - a person's knowledge or experience of something Sabbath-day - the 7th day of the week observed from Friday evening to Saturday evening as a day of rest and worship by Jews and some Christians (a time of rest) Pious - making a hypocritical display of virtue Catechism - a summary of the principles of Christian religion in the form of questions and answers used for the instruction of Christian's Anointed - smear or rub with oil, typically as part a religious ceremony Cognizance - knowledge, awareness, or notice Astonishment - get surprise Exhorted - strongly encourage or urge someone to do something Ecclesiastical - relating to the Christian church or its clergy Zenith - the time at which something is most powerful or su

Response for Young GOODMAN BROWN

What did you guys think of the ending of the story of "Young Goodman Brown"? In the ending of the story of "Young Goodman Brown" I knew something bad was going to happen. In the story it shows how Gooman Brown dies because he had a pale face. I think he should still have a life because he should experience a life as a father and seen his kids grow and then he should experience a life as a grandfather.


In the story of "Young Goodman Brown" is about 2 persons that are named Faith and young Goodman Brown. Both of their name is had a meaning. Later on in the story I think that something bad is going to happen because for some reason Faith was holding him back. I feel like Faith knows something that Goodman Brown doesn't.

The Making of an ESSAY

    Usually essays are 5 paragraphs, but this time Dr. Preston gave us the chance on making our essay. You usually hear the word essay and you have to write 5 paragraphs. Honestly Dr. Preston wants us to express our thinking. Making the essay was hard because I didn't know how to start it. I just started typing and my ideas were just going so I just kept going. That's my making of an essay. 

Conscience of a HACKER

        The author of "Conscience of a hacker" wanted us to understand that we are all different. In the real life we always get judged. People might not tell us but, maybe inside their head there always judging you on how you look or on what you do. You should never stop on what you do even though you get judged.      How the person became a hacker was by school. He found a computer and liked how it worked. "I made a discovery today. I found a computer. Wait a second, this is cool. It does what I want it to. If it makes a mistake, it's because I screwed it up.  Not because it doesn't like me... or feels threatened by me... or thinks I'm a smart ass... or doesn't like teaching and shouldn't be here. Damn kid. All he does is play video games. They're all alike." (Paragraph 4). Everyone has there own interest and people learn from their mistakes. Some people might judge you by what you do but, you should not care and do what you like.